SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The recent run of warm weather has many people thinking spring.
The garden center is currently closed for winter dormancy, but it’s looking a lot like spring inside the greenhouse at Landscape Garden Centers in Sioux Falls.
“Planting our annuals, geraniums, hanging baskets, all of our combination planters, so the greenhouse smells like fresh soil, which we love,” Landscape Garden Centers purchaser Laura Kalfs said.
“We are doing mostly vines, flowers, some grasses right now, vegetables have not arrived yet,” project manager Ashley Carlson said.
Carlson said it’s a busy but enjoyable time of the year.
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“Seeing everything come to life, the blooming, everything, it’s a magical time right now,” Carlson said.
It’s not quite time to take your gardening outdoors, but you may want to start planting some seeds of your own.
“Now is the perfect time to start some of your tomatoes, your peppers, any flowers or anything that you’re going to start indoors,” Kalfs said.
While Kalfs says it’s OK to start planting seeds indoors, she says resist the urge to do yardwork.
“Temperatures warm up and it’s really easy to get excited to get out in the yard but the ground is really soft, especially with all the snow melt you want to be careful not to compact that soil and that soft ground out in your yard,” Kalfs said.
And for good reason.
“We know in South Dakota the temperatures can always swing the other direction pretty quickly, so we don’t want to clean up any plant debris or remove anything that’s protecting our plants right now,” Kalfs said.
Because actual spring will be here soon enough.
Landscape Garden Centers has a target opening date of April 1, but it could be earlier if the weather continues to cooperate.