SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Friday, an inmate on South Dakota’s death row will be back in Federal Court in Sioux Falls; trying one last time to spare his life.
His name is Briley Piper.
“Briley Piper is currently the only inmate on South Dakota death row,” South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said.
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And Attorney General Marty Jackley wants to keep him there.
“He committed a horrendous murder back in the year 2000 in Spearfish Canyon, he’s been convicted by a jury and sentenced to death,” Jackley said.
Piper and two other men kidnapped, tortured and murdered Chester Allan Poage back in 2000.
Piper has lost all of his appeals in state court, so now he’s taken it to the federal level.
“Tomorrow the court is going to hear very narrow arguments with what we call exhaustive claims, because they’ve been exhausted already in front of the South Dakota Supreme Court,” Jackley said.
Piper’s attorney is going to try and argue he was misrepresented during his trial and during his appeals process, too.
Don: Is this kind of his last straw?
Marty: My position as Attorney General yes, these will be the last likely arguments in the case in front of the trial court and the trial court will likely make a decision in the ensuing months.
Jackley says this has been one of the longest running death penalty cases in South Dakota; 25 years, but he’s hoping Friday will be the start of the end.
“This is nearing the end, the state claims are all completed, so we are in the federal system and we are nearing the end of that trial court level arguments and hopefully moving forward to give the victim’s family a resolution to this case, it has gone on for too long,” Jackley said.
Elijah Page, Briley Piper, and Darrell Hoadley were all convicted in the torture and murder of Poage.
Page and Piper were sentenced to death.
Page was executed by lethal injection in 2007.
Hoadley was sentenced to life in prison.
We’ll continue following the case closely and bring you updates.