A diver whose video of a shark trying to eat his camera went viral recently described what it was like capturing the once-in-a-lifetime ordeal on video. Peter Strom, a photographer and diver, was on a long-planned diving trip to the Bahamas to dive with tiger sharks with his friend’s diving company. On Feb. 5, the group was down swimming with the sharks when Strom noticed a spot for a camera mount on a box containing food for the sharks on the sea floor. He decided to put his 360 camera on the box and see what he could film of the sharks’ behavior. However, one of the sharks did something rather surprising as the camera rolled: It tried to eat Strom’s camera. “Never in a million years did we think that the shark was going to eat it – and get the footage,” Strom told FOX Weather. In the video, a large tiger shark swims up to Strom and his camera on top of the box. Strom holds the shark back from biting, and tosses it some food. The shark decided the food wasn’t enough, and it decided to try and eat the camera instead.Through all of this, the camera didn’t stop recording, capturing something few ever live to see– the inside of a tiger shark’s mouth.In the video, you can see three divers on the ocean floor from the camera’s point of view inside the shark’s mouth. AMERICA’S 10 MOST DANGEROUS BEACHES REVEALED AS SPRING BREAK LOOMSEventually, the shark spits the camera back out.Strom said his camera lived to tell the tale, with only some scratch marks on the case from the shark’s teeth. He said this experience diving with tiger sharks only made him want to keep doing it. “I’ve been doing shark diving for a… couple of years before this, but never with anything as big as tiger sharks,” Strom said. “So as soon as I saw those tiger sharks in the water, it just cemented that. I love doing this, and I’m going to continue to do it for the rest of my life.”Strom said he hopes to dive with other, even larger shark species at some point in the future. “I’d love to go back to the Bahamas, to Bimini Island to see great hammerheads,” he said. “A great white shark would be amazing too, but it’s a little bit sketchy because they’re so big, and they’re the most dangerous ones. But I’d still like to try.”