PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — South Dakota’s new governor has issued his first-ever veto.
And he did it with a branding iron.
Gov. Larry Rhoden vetoed House Bill 1132, which sought to provide expanded eligibility for child-care workers to receive government assistance for care of their own children.
Heated discussion at Oldham-Ramona-Rutland meeting
The only opponent of the bill was the state Department of Social Services, which administers the federal-funded program.
Rhoden explained his decision in a letter to lawmakers.
“This bill would give child care workers preferential treatment, by allowing them to receive this aid at a higher income level,” his letter stated. “This would be the first time in South Dakota that our state safety net programs would give enhanced benefits to people working in one type of job or occupation, and it would transform this program into a long-term workforce subsidy rather than what its focus should be: temporary support for families in need.”