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Southeast Tech student shares journey to nursing career

todayMarch 3, 2025

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BERESFORD, S.D. (KELO) – South Dakota is in need of health care workers, especially in rural areas. One way the state and other organizations are trying to help increase the workforce is through the Build Dakota Scholarship.

Landen Kroger didn’t exactly know where he wanted to go to college after graduating from Beresford High School in May 2024.

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“I spent 95% of my day in the guidance counselors office and she was like, ‘did you know about the Build Dakota Scholarship?’ And I was like, ‘no,’ she’s like, ‘you can apply for it,'” Landen said.

Landen was awarded Build Dakota Scholarship and started school at Southeast Technical College in the fall of 2024.

“For me, it was a sigh of relief because I knew, being a single mom, that I wasn’t in the position to necessarily be able to bail them out if something happened,” Casey said.

Each year hundreds of people are awarded the opportunity to get an education at a state technical school for free, in exchange for working in that field in South Dakota for at least three years after graduation.

Initially, Landen wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement. However, after losing his grandmother and aunt to cancer in 2019, his interest shifted towards nursing.

“I helped take care of my grandma when she had cancer. So I would go over there every day at like after school and help do things around the house,” Landen said.

“It was a hard year. They passed away three months exactly from each other,” Casey Kroger said.

His mom says Landen has always had the natural ability to help others.

“So he’s always been that kid that wanted to make sure everybody was okay. Like someone was getting picked on at school, like he wanted to check on him,” Casey said.

Currently Landen is finishing his first year at Southeast Technical College, as well as working at Avera Health on the oncology floor, the same hospital his grandma would go to for treatments.

Landen believes he’s able to bond with the patients because of his personal experience with cancer.

“It’s a sense of comfortability kind of. I’ve seen it so I’m comfortable around the situation and it’s like, it’s kind of my comfort zone now,” Landen said.

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Dustin Pepper is one of the instructors at the nursing program Landen will attend at Southeast Tech.

“In cases like Landon had where it’s a family issue and that made a big impact, there’s oftentimes a reason why, it’s a difficult profession. So having that reason why is a big step for for being successful in completing the program and being a great nurse,” Pepper said.

And his mom agrees Landen’s “why” will make him a good nurse.

“He genuinely cares. He wants to make sure that you’re good. He understands, the quality over quantity aspect of life.” Casey said.

“They’re in the hospital, it is serious. But there’s also times where like, you need a light enough to mood a little bit,” Landen said.

After graduating from the LPN Program Landen plans to eventually become a licensed registered nurse.

The deadline for this year’s Build Dakota Scholarships is March 31.

Written by: The Dam Rock Station

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